Every patient considering breast plastic surgery is different, and has unique physical requirements and desires for which any breast enhancement procedure is individually formulated.
We have found that women within different age groups find inspiration to pursue plastic surgery of the breast with reference to a variety of factors. For those considering breast enhancement, the following is a guide that examines some of these variables. This is presented as an educational overview, and any recommendations and ultimate decisions about the best breast plastic surgery will ultimately be based on your individual needs and goals after a private, in-depth consultation with Dr. Kolker.
Breast plastic surgery is geared predominantly toward the correction of developmental issues related to breast size and breast shape. Breast augmentation with silicone implants or saline implants is the leading procedure in this age group. Breast shape considerations such as tuberous breast deformity, large areolas, breast droop, large breasts, and inverted nipples are also commonly addressed with plastic surgery for women in their 20s.
In addition to Breast Surgery for small breast size and shape, issues related to heredity and development, post-pregnancy breast changes and breast shape and size changes due to weight change are also addressed. Breast enlargement with breast implants predominates in this age group, followed by breast lift with breast augmentation and breast lift alone. Breast reduction is also commonly performed in women in their 30s.
The restoration of youthfulness and femininity with volume enhancement and shape improvement characterizes the goals of breast plastic surgery for women in the 40's and 50's age group. Breast augmentation, breast lift with implants, breast reduction and breast lift alone are all common.
Correction of breast volume loss or gain as well as breast ptosis (droop) predominate in this group. Mastopexy (breast lift), breast reduction, and breast lift with breast augmentation can be performed. There are also those who consider breast implant size change or removal.
Breast implants are appropriate for the treatment of a wide array of breast size and shape concerns. Underdevelopment of the breasts, known as developmental breast hypoplasia, is a common indication for breast augmentation. Breast deflation following pregnancy (postpartum glandular hypomastia), after significant weight loss, or simply due to gradual involution can be improved significantly with breast augmentation. Certain breast asymmetries and congenital breast shape deformities can also be corrected through breast augmentation techniques. The technical approach must be meticulously tailored and personalized for every nuance of intrinsic shape and size and for every facet of individual desire.
These Breast Augmentation before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Kolker. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.
Whereas the information above provides a brief overview of common concerns and treatments in each age group, any individual’s requirements for plastic surgery are truly unique, and at the time one decides to consider treatment, are little influenced by age and rather by one’s anatomy and desires.
If you are considering breast enhancement at any age, a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience in all facets of breast surgery is crucial.
During your in-depth consultation at his NYC plastic surgery practice, Dr. Kolker will spend time listening to your history and your goals, and will conduct a detailed examination to determine the best breast surgery technique or techniques to suit your unique needs. Please contact us to schedule an appointment, we look forward to warmly welcoming you to our practice.
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kolker, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.
710 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021