Brow Lift in New York City
A gravity-defying lift a fresher, more rested appearance to your eyes and face.
A gravity-defying lift a fresher, more rested appearance to your eyes and face.
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To preserve anonymity and to protect the confidentiality of all of his patients, Dr. Kolker maintains a comprehensive gallery of before and after photographs that can be viewed in the office for
“I tried to fight looking my age, however there wasn't much to be done to look any younger. I finally scheduled a consultation with Dr. Adam Kolker for a Brow Lift... The result that Dr. Kolker has given me is so far beyond what I expected. Dr. Kolker is a skilled surgeon who understands that looking natural is more important than just looking younger.”
— N.F. / NYC
Age, sun exposure and gravity often produce a descent in the normal position of the eyebrows.
Stress and muscle over-activity, in an attempt to elevate the position of the brows, contribute to forehead wrinkling, and an aged look. A forehead lift or Brow Lift restores drooping eyebrows to a more natural and youthful position and smoothes the horizontal lines of the forehead.
The brow lift or forehead lift procedure provides a fresher, more rested appearance to the eyes and face. Our NYC brow lift procedure is often performed in conjunction with eyelid lift or blepharoplasty surgery. The forehead lift or brow lift procedure is the surgery of choice when excess upper eyelid skin is caused by drooping eyebrows or when deep forehead wrinkles are present. Upper eyelid skin excess may, in many cases, be treated by a blepharoplasty or upper eyelid lift alone, however when the moderate or severe excess is due to brow droop or brow ptosis, a Brow Lift procedure should be considered.
During your initial Brow Lift consultation with Dr. Kolker, he will thoroughly discuss your desires and expectations for rejuvenation of the eyes and forehead. After a careful discussion of your health history and previous treatments, he will conduct a thorough examination of your eyes and face, including your skin tone, texture, and elasticity, facial soft tissue relationships, bone structure, and muscle dynamics of the areas around the eyelids, between the brows, and of the forehead.
Dr. Kolker will carefully review the brow lift or forehead lift procedure, or combination of procedures, for rejuvenation around the eyes and brows that suit you best.
“I Finally Look As Good As I Feel”
Kristen Foodim knew she wanted her big 5-0 to be a birthday to remember. As a gift to herself, she met with Dr. Kolker, who helped her develop a full facial rejuvenation surgery plan: facelift, Neck Lift, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), brow lift, facial fat grafting, and a lip lift. Read on to hear Kristen’s story.
Dr. Kolker will answer all questions that you might have regarding any step of the brow lift or forehead lift process.
When there are moderate or severe fine lines or wrinkles etched into the skin of the forehead or between the brows, a resurfacing treatment, frequently with an ablative laser (such as CO2 or erbium) or fractional laser (such as Active FX) may be recommended prior to, as the sole treatment for, or during, your Brow Lift and eyelid rejuvenation procedure.
Along with a Brow Lift NYC patients most often choose to have it performed with upper eyelid lift, or upper lid blepharoplasty. For those individuals who desire additional plastic surgery enhancements, particularly geared toward achieving and maintaining a youthful balance of all parts of the face, your brow lift or forehead lift may also be combined with a facelift, fat transfer (autologous fat grafts), and laser resurfacing procedures.
Following brow lift or forehead lift surgery, you will go home on the same day with a friend or family member.
Mild swelling and bruising are expected after a brow lift, and generally resolve after seven to ten days, although the period of swelling and recovery will be slightly longer when blepharoplasty or other procedures are performed at the same time as your Brow Lift in New York.
Cold compresses will be applied for comfort and to minimize swelling. Sutures within the hairline will be removed approximately ten days following your brow lift. Dr. Kolker suggests taking seven to ten days off following a brow lift or forehead lift, however many are able to return to work after five to seven days. Following a brow lift combined with other surgical procedures such a s laser or facelift, Dr. Kolker recommends taking fourteen days for recovery, although it is occasionally possible to return to work as early as ten to twelve days after your combined brow lift or forehead lift procedure (provided there is no strenuous activity or heavy lifting involved).
Light aerobic activity (elliptical or Precor, light treadmill walking, stationary bicycle, recumbent bicycle) may be resumed as early as five to seven days following brow lift, and more strenuous activity is begun at two to three weeks. Your relationship with Dr. Kolker does not end after brow lift or forehead lift surgery; he will see you often through the first weeks and months following your brow lift, and will advise you on all matters in your recovery including skin fitness and health including diet, skin care, retinols, antioxidants, and sun blocks to maximize and preserve the rejuvenating effects of your eyelid lift procedure.
The forehead lift or brow lift procedure can be performed using a number of different techniques that are tailored to your particular needs
Depending upon your specific requirements, the forehead lift or brow lift may be performed using a classical technique, known as a coronal brow lift or coronal forehead lift, or with a limited incision brow lift technique, such as an endoscopic brow lift (utilizing a video camera and instruments through small incisions within the hairline) or a temporal brow lift or forehead lift (using incisions within the hairline above the "tail" of the brow).
Dr. Kolker will discuss each option with you carefully, and together you will decide on the technique that is most appropriate to achieve your goals. With the coronal brow lift, an incision is made across the scalp, within the hairline. The skin and soft tissues are loosened down to the brows, the small muscles that produce wrinkling between the eyes are divided, and the skin is re-draped upward. The coronal brow lift or forehead lift procedure is reserved for moderate or severe brow droop and deeper wrinkling of the forehead. More commonly, Dr. Kolker performs a forehead lift with a limited incision brow lift technique. With the endoscopic brow lift technique, three to five small incisions are made within the hairline, and an endoscope (a special surgical video camera and light source) is used to visualize the elevation of the forehead skin and soft tissues using small instruments. The muscles that produce wrinkles can be addressed with this brow lift technique as indicated, and the deep tissues are re-suspended, restoring brow position and excess eyelid skin to achieve a smoother, more youthful appearance.
A temporal brow lift or forehead lift is performed through two small incisions within the hairline. Dr. Kolker may recommend adding fat with fat transfer (autologous fat grafting), or tightening or refreshing of the skin of the forehead with laser treatments combined with brow lift surgery. Treating the forehead with a CO2 or erbium laser, or with fractional photothermolysis (such as Active FX) will remove fine wrinkles and tighten the skin. Dr. Kolker will recommend the individual brow lift or forehead lift technique, or combination of brow lift techniques, which suit you, and your lifestyle, best. A Brow Lift in NYC is performed in Dr. Kolker's office-based surgical suite, accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). These brow lift procedures take between one and three hours, depending on the forehead lift technique, your degree of skin excess, brow droop or ptosis, and the degree of muscle correction required.
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kolker, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.
710 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021