Gynecomastia Surgery in New York City
Shirts off to a procedure that can help restore your confidence.
Shirts off to a procedure that can help restore your confidence.
These Gynecomastia / Male Breast Reduction before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Kolker. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.
“My Gynecomastia results are fantastic! I look better then the extreme makeovers people see on reality TV shows. I recommend Dr. Kolker to anyone who is serious about plastic surgery.”
— M.R.
Gynecomastia, is very common, but is infrequently discussed. If you feel ashamed or insecure about taking off your shirt at the beach or at the gym, you are not alone.
Deposits of excess fat and breast tissue affect 40%-60% of men, and whether mild or severe, they can be the source of considerable embarrassment and self consciousness. Gynecomastia Surgery, or male breast reduction, is frequently performed to reduce the size and shape of the enlarged breast tissue. While gynecomastia can contribute to physical pain in the breast area, for most men it is the discomfort they feel with their shirts off. Although weight loss can help reduce gynecomastia, for most it will not eliminate it. In most cases, gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery proves to be the only solution.
Gynecomastia correction, or male breast reduction, is frequently performed to reduce the size and shape of the enlarged breast tissue.
During your initial consultation with Dr. Kolker, he will thoroughly discuss your desires and expectations for his NYC Gynecomastia Surgery with you.
After a comprehensive history and physical examination, the doctor will review the surgical options, and recommend the one that he thinks is best of your body type. Dr. Kolker will discuss specific instructions for preparing for surgery, including diet and medication requirements. He will also clearly explain your post-surgery needs so that you can prepare in advance.
There are several surgical techniques that can be used in male breast reduction and gynecomastia surgery. If Dr. Kolker determines that excessive fatty tissue is the primary reason for your enlarged breasts, Dr. Kolker will use liposuction techniques through tiny incisions to remove the excess fat.
If there is excess breast glandular tissue present, in addition to liposuction, a small incision is placed immediately beneath the areola (the dark skin of the nipple) to directly reduce the excess breast gland. In cases where there is considerable skin excess, or an enlarged areolar size, an incision that progresses around the areola may be advised to reduce excess skin as well, and to further firm the chest.
With Gynecomastia Surgery NYC patients should expect the treatment to take between two and three hours. The gynecomastia surgery procedure is performed as an ambulatory procedure in our fully accredited in-office surgical facility.
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kolker, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.
710 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021