Neck Lift in New York City
Remove the years while adding youthful definition to your face and jawline with a Neck Lift in New York City.
Remove the years while adding youthful definition to your face and jawline with a Neck Lift in New York City.
These Neck Lift before and after pictures represent actual patients from Dr. Kolker. They will help to assist you in understanding your various options and enable you to set realistic goals for your own surgical outcome. Click on a patient for their specific case details.
“I have always had extra skin under my chin making it look like I didn’t have a neck. As I aged, it worsened and I finally decided it was time to do something... The Neck Lift Dr. Kolker performed on me not only beautifully reshaped my face, it unleashed a more confident, outgoing me. It is something I should have done years ago.”
— P.K. / NYC
Excess fat, loose, sagging skin, and prominent bands of the neck are some of the hallmarks of the aging face.
These may be seen following weight loss or gain, and are more often due to the effects of age, gravity, and heredity. Neck Lift surgery corrects the excess fat of the neck, and depending upon the degree of laxity, a Neck Lift can modify and tighten the underlying muscles and connective tissue as well as tighten the loose, sagging skin.
Neck Lift produces more definition of your face, accentuation of your jaw line, and a more youthful appearance. There are a variety of NYC Neck Lift techniques available to you, and the appropriate technique will be tailored to your specific needs. In the very mildest form, where fatty excess predominates with mild skin laxity and good elasticity, a "suction Neck Lift", incorporating liposuction alone, may be appropriate.
During your initial consultation with Dr. Kolker, he will thoroughly discuss your desires and expectations for Neck Lift and facial rejuvenation. A thorough consultation is crucial to achieving the best Neck Lift NYC can offer. After a careful discussion of your health history and previous treatments, he will conduct a thorough examination of your face and neck, including your skin tone, texture, and elasticity, as well as the facial soft tissue relationships, bone structure, and muscle dynamics of the neck in particular.
Dr. Kolker will carefully review the Neck Lift procedure, or combination of procedures, that suit you best. Dr. Kolker will answer all questions that you might have regarding any step of the Neck Lift process. As with a facelift, skin "preparation" is often extremely important prior to surgery, as the goal is to maximize the effects of the Neck Lift procedure. A skincare regimen that includes moisture, antioxidant serum, a retinol (such as Retin A), and sunblock is extremely important prior to Neck Lift, particularly when combined with a facelift. When there are moderate or severe fine lines or wrinkles within the skin, a neck resurfacing treatment, frequently with an ablative laser (such as CO2 or erbium) or fractional laser (such as Active FX) may be recommended prior to, or occasionally during, your New York Neck Lift surgery.
As with a facelift, skin "preparation" is often extremely important prior to surgery, as the goal is to maximize the effects of the Neck Lift procedure.
“I Finally Look As Good As I Feel”
Kristen Foodim knew she wanted her big 5-0 to be a birthday to remember. As a gift to herself, she met with Dr. Kolker, who helped her develop a full facial rejuvenation surgery plan: facelift, Neck Lift, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), brow lift, facial fat grafting, and a lip lift. Read on to hear Kristen’s story.
For moderate laxity with "banding" of the muscles, a Neck Lift with platysmaplasty (where the dooping or banded muscles of the neck are released and tightened) with or without liposuction may be appropriate.
For more significant laxity, the classical Neck Lift procedure is performed, most often in conjunction with a facelift, producing rejuvenation of the face and neck together. The underlying muscles are tightened, and excess skin is trimmed producing a sharper more youthful neckline. With these techniques for a Neck Lift New York City patients can enjoy a more sculpted jaw line and a more youthful appearance.
Swelling and bruising are expected after a Neck Lift, and generally resolve after two weeks, although the period of swelling and recovery will be slightly longer when facelift, fat transfer (autologous fat grafting) or laser procedures are performed at the same time as your Neck Lift. A compressive elastic chin and neck strap is often applied following a Neck Lift with liposuction, and occasionally after a Neck Lift with platysmaplasty or a classical Neck Lift; compression is most often maintained for two weeks following Neck Lift, however it may be longer in selected cases.
The final shape and feel is reached approximately three months after Neck Lift. Your relationship with Dr. Kolker does not end after Neck Lift surgery; he will see you often through the first weeks and months following your Neck Lift, and will advise you on all matters in your recovery including skin fitness and health including diet, skin care, retinols, antioxidants, and sun blocks to maximize and preserve the rejuvenating effects of your Neck Lift procedure.
The Neck Lift procedure is performed largely through incisions concealed inconspicuously beneath the chin. Many individuals with good skin elasticity are candidates for a suction assisted Neck Lift technique that is performed through the very tiniest incision beneath the chin.
For those with mild or moderate neck skin laxity and banding (hanging of the edges) of the platysma muscle within the neck, a Neck Lift with a platysmaplasty is performed. Liposuction or direct fat removal may be performed with this type of Neck Lift as needed. In cases with more substantial excess and laxity, well-concealed incisions in front of and behind the ears (facelift incisions) may be used, whereby not only tightening of the deep tissues and muscle is carried out, but excess skin is trimmed and re-draped, producing a more sculpted neck and a more youthful look.
In certain situations wherein the chin may be somewhat weak or retrusive, a chin implant may complement the Neck Lift well, accentuating and refining the jaw and neckline. Dr. Kolker will select the individual Neck Lift technique that suits you best with you. A Neck Lift in New York City is most often performed in Dr. Kolker's office-based surgical suite, accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).
The suction Neck Lift procedure takes approximately one hour. The Neck Lift with platysmaplasty with incisions beneath the chin only takes approximately two and a half to three hours. A classical Neck Lift procedure (combined with a facelift) takes approximately four to five hours.
Neck Lift surgery is frequently combined with other facial rejuvenative procedures.
For those individuals who desire additional plastic surgery enhancements, particularly geared toward achieving and maintaining a youthful balance of all parts of the face, your Neck Lift with liposuction, Neck Lift with platysmaplasty, or classical Neck Lift may be combined with a chin implant (chin augmentation) to further accentuate a youthful jawline.
Neck Lift can also be combined with a facelift, eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), brow lift (forehead lift, endoscopic brow lift or coronal brow lift), liposuction of other parts of the body, fat transfer (autologous fat grafts), laser resurfacing procedures, or chemical peels. Most commonly, the Neck Lift procedure is combined with a facelift and an eyelid lift (blepharoplasty), and frequently with fat transfer (autologous fat grafts).
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kolker, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.
710 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021