IPL Photofacial in New York City
Minimize pigment and age spots. Reduce capillaries and redness. Refresh and rejuvenate your skin.
Minimize pigment and age spots. Reduce capillaries and redness. Refresh and rejuvenate your skin.
Discolorations of the face including age spots, sun spots, freckles, melasma, broken capillaries, red spots, and others can result from a variety of environmental, hormonal, and genetic factors.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) can be used to minimize, and in certain cases remove, the unwanted pigment and discoloration to restore a more youthful tone to your skin. Unlike laser treatments, which are coherent monochromatic light, IPL is noncoherent light delivered over a wide array of wavelengths that target different color-bearing cells (known as chromophores) within your skin. With our IPL photofacial New York patients get a powerful modality in rapidly reducing the effects of sun and age spots with virtually no downtime and minimal discomfort.
There is no downtime after our New York IPL treatments, and return to work and most activities is immediate.
Broad spectrum sunblock should, ideally, be used before and after IPL treatments to maximize the effectiveness. Preparation time before IPL / photofacials is otherwise minimal.
There is no downtime after IPL treatments, and return to work and most activities is immediate. Brown spots and melasma may darken temporarily (approximately one week) before these areas slough and lighten. There is minimal discomfort; IPL pulses feel like a rubber-band snap, with some associated heat, which is made more comfortable by the cooling heads of the treatment handpieces. Depending upon the skin's inherent coloration and the degree of discoloration being treated, several treatments (3-5) may be required.
IPL can be performed as an isolated treatment, or in combination with other medical-aesthetician services. If you would like to learn more about IPL photofacial in New York, and about the IPL techniques that will suit you best, we invite you to meet with Dr. Kolker or one of the medical aestheticians for a private consultation at our office by scheduling an appointment online.
To schedule a private consultation with Dr. Kolker, please call the office or request an appointment online. We welcome your visit.
710 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10021